Monday, June 29, 2009

Good weekend..

I had a fairly good weekend pain wise, I felt a lot better and it finally cooled down to a decent temperature. I went to work on weeding the garden. It looks so much better. The corn is putting on ears and my tomatoes are starting. I guess I better start my cilantro pretty soon. Can't wait to make fresh salsa! Also I have a bumper crop of zuchinni but luckily I have some eager folks wanting to take some off my hands. I also made zuchinni bread yesterday. It was awesome. I'll post some pictures soon. I still have no internet at home. I'm waiting until I can afford to have someone look at it. I've missed so many days at work it's been a struggle. I can't believe Saturday will be the 4th. Time goes so fast.. Here is my recipe for the bread I made yesterday...

2 cups shredded zuchinni
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla

Mix well in large bowl, divide batter into two loaf pans. Bake at 375 for about an hour.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Great Gardening Blogs
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Still no Internet

My internet is still not working and I'm going to have to take my tower in to someone to see what's wrong. But I'll try to post from work until I have it fixed. The corn has straightened back up! Several people said it might since the roots were still in the ground. I never did get a pic posted of the corn laying flat but I mean it was flat and so matted down. It looks good though and should be ready shortly after the 4th, probably a week or two after. I can't believe the 4th is almost here already! My son is looking forward to the carnival and then the big cookout/reunion we have at my mom's. I have my 25th high school reunion coming up on the 3rd also. It seems time flies by so quick. Soon school will be starting again and FOOTBALL!!!! I took a look at the Colts schedule the other day and there are 5 night games that don't start till 8:30 or so. I hate those. Because I absolutely have to stay up till the end and then I'm draggin butt the next day. But being the loyal fan that I am, I will keep doing it. It has been so blasted hot and I really need to get out in both gardens. It had been too wet to get in them to weed but they absolutely need it badly. So my plan for this weekend is to get out early in the morning as soon as it's light and get to work on those weeds. Mitchell, his friend Dalton and I went to Holiday world yesterday. I spent most of the day in the water and they did also. It's nice that they are old enough to run around and I can sit in the wave pool or lazy river. My legs just can't handle the walking and climbing anymore. With this peripheral neuropathy I never know from one day to the next how I'm going to feel. I have good days and bad days. I sure got burnt yesterday though!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We have had a fierce storm move through here this morning. All my corn, which was about waist to shoulder high is lying flat. My dad says it will straighten up, but I don't know. I'll give it a week and if not I'll have to replant which means I won't have corn until the first of September, so I'm pretty upset right now. I think my zuchinni plants are going to eat the plan today is to make zuchinni bread. But I'm upset about the corn. I'll post a pic of it later this evening. Bye

Monday, June 15, 2009

No Internet at Home

There was no post from me this weekend because my internet connection is not working properly. When I get it fixed I will fill you in. Sorry...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009





Today Mitchell and I feasted on our first fried zuchinni of the year out of MY garden! It was delish. There is nothing like growing, harvesting and eating food that you yourself have grown! Laurie if you read this, I know you'll be proud!! Also I snapped photos of the corn and beans that have really taken off now that we got a little rain, unfortunately so have the weeds. So I was out hoeing and pulling a few this evening. I'm going to visit Orschelen Farm Store tommorrow to see if they have any buckwheat seed. This is a summer cover crop to plant in bare areas of the garden to choke out weeds and add organic matter to the garden when you till it in. This is the first year that I'm going to try cover cropping. In the fall I plan to plant a nitrogen fixing cover crop to till in the following spring. The corn is getting taller, can't wait to bite my teeth into that! Won't be long. It is a 74 day corn so it should be ready a couple of weeks after the 4th. My son was proud of our prize tonight and he is beginning to show some interest in the garden finally. Of course at 13 he is too cool for things like that, but eating it is a whole different story! Funny, story, his dad called him today and he didn't believe he had Mitchell on the phone. He thought it was a buddy of his and he kept asking for Mitchell. He finally hung up and Mitchell called me and told me, so I call Donnie and said That is your son, his voice is changing!!! Which it is. Oh, my I don't know if I'm ready for all this. Sunday, I plan on making That's Good Chicken which you will find in my older post. This will make good use of my herbs that are out of control! It taste great and is so moist. Look for a post this weekend. I'll share some more recipes!! Till then....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot, Hot

The weather sure has turned hot. The fertilize plant is running like crazy right now. I could use the overtime. Well I'm tired of writing to myself. Trying to think of ways to get this blog more public. What I would like is feedback from other gardeners and kind of learn off each other. Sunday I weeded between the corn rows. Corn is looking so good. Still haven't planted additional beans yet but that is on my list. This evening I plan on fertilizing the peppers and weeding and mulching under my zuchinni plants. So far I have lots of pretty blooms but only see one tiny zuchinni starting to grow. I have been searching other gardening blogs. There are quite a few interesting ones out there. I plan on commenting on some of these and directing them to mine. Theirs seem full of good advice. Well I'm at work and I had better go. More later...