Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Garden this Year :(

Back and Legs kept getting worse and I just could not keep up with gardening this year. So last week my son finally mowed the "weed haven" down. I still have not given up on my dream though. My big investment next Spring will be a Mantis tiller. Those are the lightweight tillers that will allow me to weed and cultivate without all the bending and stooping! I've decided to start a "veggie box" business. My plan is to each week fill I hope around 25 boxes full of my garden produce and include a newsletter with info and recipes. I plan to price this very reasonable and customers will know they are getting local, homegrown, produce with no chemicals being used in the process. It's still my dream and I'm going to make it happen! Fall is fast approaching and you know me...FOOTBALL! Very dissapointed in the Colts loss in the Superbowl this year, but I believe they will be in next years and WIN! Son is in football camp this week. He loves it even though it is so unblessedly hot! He has really changed over the year since he has been going to the gym for a good 8 months now. Getting taller and muscular. He looked really good on the field last night. I'm very proud of him! Well, I know I've said this before but I will really try to update more on my blog! Till then...