Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I don't know what's going on with my phone but I can't seem to take a picture with it and send it to my computer anymore. I guess I'm going to have to seek my techno son's help. However he is staying all night at his grandmother's tonight. You all have got to see these monster zuchinni I got out of the garden. About six "HUGE" zuchinni. I plan on shredding them up in my food processor tommorrow and freezing it. Tonight for dinner we had the first corn on the cob!!! It was delish! I also fried a smaller zuchinni and I discovered that if you use equal parts of jiffy corn muffin mix and flour they turn out much crispier and less greasy than using flour alone. On another front I need to weed more. My legs have been giving me so much trouble lately I really haven't got into the garden, thus the huge zuchinni!! Next year I'm going to cover crop the small garden and not grown anything for that season. The soil really needs to be fed and worked up. I'm getting some ripe tomatoes but the plants still look awful. The ones in the big garden look great. So I'll close with the hopes I'll get a pic on here tommorrow of the zuchinni. I'm kind of tired tonight so see ya for now...

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