Thursday, September 17, 2009

The blog and future plans....

My writing is in blue today for the Colts!! At least they won their game last Sunday and so far sit on top of the AFC South. The other teams in that division lost their games.

I thought I would share with you my future plans for the blog...First I'm going to post some flyers advertising my blog in my local area and hopefully get some input going from fellow local gardeners. I also will acquire a digital camera and add a lot more pictures! As I go through seed catalogs this winter and make plans for my 2010 garden I will share this with you. I grow my tomatoes and peppers from seed that I usually get from a nursery in Farmersburg. But if I want to make a business out of heirloom tomatoes and peppers I will need to order these from specialty catalogs. You just can't find that kind of seed around here. I get all these garden catalogs but I've not ordered a thing from them. Usually because I don't have the money at the time, or it's just so convenient to go to local places to get plants and seed. But then you don't have the variety. I think everyone should grow something food wise. Even if it's just container gardening. There is nothing like growing your own food. I'm not a health nut by any means but I've been reading and thinking about what really goes into commercial food that they ship or truck from many miles away. Besides the amount of fuel used, I have read articles where tomatoes are green so they will ship well, and then they are gased to turn them red. Reading about meat would scare you as well. I know it's an oxymoron because I work for a commercial fertilizer and chemical facility as well as being a Monsanto Seed dealer. I will write more on this, and other things that I would like to see done. For now I will post once a week. I've got about a month now until I see the neurosurgeon, so I'm not sure how that will all work out. So for now..see ya next week!

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